Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More Franchisee needed :)

They are looking for franchisee, for make that proactive step and move towards breaking new grounds in their global franchise movement!


  1. Minimum Nett Worth of RM 1 Million
  2. Minimum Liquidity of RM 500,000 (cash or cash equivalents)
  3. Oldtown White Coffee will accept individual and corporate applications from qualified prospective Franchisees.
  4. Individual Applications must be submitted for each person who will have an ownership interest in the Oldtown White Coffee Franchise.
  5. Corporate Applications must include a current bank letter of reference/certificate and certified financial statements. Individual Applications are also required of corporate applicants for each owner with an interest of 10% or more. Additional materials supporting creditworthiness, annual reports, etc. should also be attached.

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